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1) The vehicle (Car, Van and Scooter) and other rentals (Stroller, Booster and Playpen) shall be used exclusively for the purpose of social domestic and pleasure purposes or business purposes within Malta and Gozo.

2) The vehicle is in good mechanical condition, and state of repair and must be returned in the same state and condition, wear and tear excepted at the termination of hire.

3) The Person who is using our rental services must inform Best Rents of any loss of damage/s to, or fault/s in the vehicle or rental. Use of the vehicle or rental when damaged or faulty shall be at the person’s responsibility/risk who is using our rental. Unauthorized repairs are not allowed, and if such repairs are done, the Person who is using our rental services shall be responsible for any faults/issues or damages caused as a result.

4) The Person who is using our rental services shall be responsible for the normal insurance excess amount of €700 in respect to any claims that could rise. This amount may only be exempt in accordance with the option given overleaf at an extra cost.

5) The vehicle is provided with fully comprehensive insurance. If the vehicle is used or driven against the terms of either this agreement of the insurance policy, the Person who is using our rental services shall be liable for the payment of all damages.

6) The Person who is using our rental services declares that he/she has examined the insurance policy regarding the vehicle, accepts the terms, and acknowledges that he/she is aware of his/her rights and liable under the said insurance policy that these have been explained to him/her.

7) If any accident occurs whilst the vehicle for hire is being used by the Hiree (Person who is using our rental services), then the Hiree must leave the vehicle in the exact position where the accident happened and report the accident to the nearest police station and to Best Rents. If such rules are not adhered to, the Hiree will be held responsible for all damages and claims against both Best Rents (Hirer) and the Hiree (Person who is using our rental services).


8) The Person who is using our rental services is responsible to delegate and replace to Best Rents in any right or remedies for the scope of enforcing such rights and remedies or to obtain relief or compensation from third parties in respect of any loss or damage to or in relation with their agreement within the time the rental is being used.


9) Best Rents shall not be responsible for any loss of or damage to any loss of property, stored property or transported property in the vehicle by the Person who is using our rental services. The Person who is using our rental services will be responsible for all risks during the duration of the agreement and yields all claims against Best Rents.


10) Best Rents may at any time reposes himself of the vehicle without giving notice to the Person who is using our rental services provided there is a justified reason. Best Rents’s rights under this agreement may only be waived when a written instrument duly signed by the Best Rents of his accredited representative is presented.


11) The Person who is using our rental services accepts to pay any fines for traffic violations or road contraventions. The Person who is using our rental services will be also responsible for any related fees incurred for recovery of a towed vehicle due to law infringement. The Person who is using our rental services gives permission to Best Rents to charge them to his/her credit card account (Including in his absence) along with any administration charges. However such fees may instead be paid for on the spot in cash and receipts are provided.


12) Best Rents does not accept liability for delays as a consequence of breakdowns or similar occurrences.

13) Any tyre damages, including punctures are the Hiree’s (Person who is using our rental services) responsibility and as such shall be paid by Person who is using our rental services.

14) A €20 excl vat fee will be charged per repair on site and tows if the fault is at the customer’s negligence (E.G. Accidents, punctures, careless parking and careless driving).

15) The Person who is using our rental services will be charged accordingly on a minimum of a 24hours basis. However this is waived off if the car keys are left at our premises at the agreed date, time and place. If the Hiree (Person who is using our rental services) does not do so (Leave the car keys at the agreed date, time and place), then it will be understood that the Hiree intends to extend the Hire of his/her rental.


16) Best Rents cannot guarantee the automatic extension of any rental agreement and reserves the right to claim back the rental from Person who is using our rental services in the case of an unauthorized rental extension.


17) A fee of €70 excl vat will be charged if necessary if the vehicle is returned excessively/unusually dirty (E.G. pet hair, spilled food/drink, excessive garbage, stickers on windows, the presence of bodily fluids, etc).


18) The Person who is using our rental services agrees to and is responsible not to drive the vehicle at excessive speeds which go above the local laws and off-roading is forbidden.


19) The Person who is using our rental services agrees and must not to drive the vehicle through floodwater or park in any known flood areas according to the list supplied with the vehicle. The Person who is using our rental services shall be responsible for any costs and damages induced by non-conforming to these related terms.


20) The Person who is using our rental services agrees to never leave vehicle prior to engaging the steering lock, removing the key from the ignition and arming the anti-theft device where applicable. The Person who is using our rental services will be liable for any costs and damages induced by non-conforming to these related terms.

21) The Person who is using our rental services also agrees that the vehicle shall not be used by or for the following non allowed purposes:

a) By a diver who is not authorized to use the vehicle.

b) By any driver known or suspected to be under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or anything else known to cause deficiency in driving ability

c) For any unlawful purpose

d) In any abusive or careless manner

e) To carry individuals or property for rental

f) To tow or push anything

g) For any race, competition or training activity


22) The Person who is using our rental services acknowledges that:

The Person who is using our rental services does not suffer from any mental or physical disability that would deter driving ability, including hearing or sight deficiencies not corrected by apparatus that would render such deficiency irrelevant to driving ability.

b) The Person who is using our rental services has not been convicted due to any traffic offences or any pending criminal proceedings during the past 5 years.

c) No insurer has ever acknowledged accepting or declining to renew any vehicle insurance to the Hiree’s name (Person who is using our rental services) or cancelled or imposed special terms or conditions nor required the premium to be incremented.

d) The Person who is using our rental services has obtained the driving license for the past two years

e) The Person who is using our rental services has currently an endorsement free license.

f) The Person who is using our rental services has not been implicated in any motor accidents


23) In the occurrence that any of the above clauses/conditions are not observed, the Person who is using our rental services gives permission Best Rents to charge the credit card account being used at the time of rental (Including during the absence of the Hiree - the Person who is using our rental services) with any expenses that Best Rents has undertaken due to these actions.

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